Reacheffect as a Traffic Source
Reacheffect is a source of traffic focus on mobile entertainment. Voluum provides a Reacheffect traffic source template, which makes the configuration process almost effortless. The following guide describes how to set up both Voluum and Reacheffect accounts to create a working campaign funnel.
Before You Start
There are a few things to consider before reading the following guide further. Before you do so, make sure that you have:
- An active Reacheffect account.
- An active Voluum account.
- An offer to promote.
- Optionally, a landing page.
Once you have everything ready, read the further parts of this guide.
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I. Create a Campaign Funnel in Voluum
First, you need to create a campaign funnel in Voluum. This will provide you with a campaign URL that you will use as a destination link in Reacheffect. To create the whole campaign funnel, perform the following steps:
- Create an offer element. Read the Add an Offer to Voluum article to learn how to do that.
- (Optionally) Create a lander element. Read the Add a Lander Element article to learn more.
Create a traffic source element. Voluum provides you with the Reacheffect traffic source template, so you can use it and skip most of the manual setup. In order to use this template, perform the following steps:
- In Voluum, go to Traffic sources.
Click the Create button and select the Traffic source option from the drop-down menu.
- Select the Reacheffect template.
- Click the Next button.
- You can change or adjust any option in the New traffic source form. Once you have done so, click the Save button.
Create a campaign.
In Voluum, go to Campaigns, click the Create button and select the Campaign Simple or Campaign Advanced option from the drop-down menu.
Provide basic campaign information.
- In the New Campaign form on the GENERAL tab provide the name of your campaign in the Campaign name text field.
- (Optional) If you have the Workspaces feature enabled on your account, select the Private Workspace from the drop-down menu that you want this campaign to be assigned to. Read the Workspaces: Overview article to learn more.
- Select the Reacheffect traffic source that you have just created from the drop down menu.
Click the Next button.
Provide traffic destination information.
- In the DESTINATION tab select the campaign destination type radio button.
- Select offer and lander elements that you have created. Read the Set Flows and Paths article to learn more.
Click the Save button.
Copy the campaign URL by clicking the Copy button.
You now have a campaign URL with all tracking parameters already included in your clipboard. You can now submit it as your destination URL in Reacheffect.
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II. Create a Campaign in Reacheffect
In order to create a campaign in Reacheffect, perform the following steps:
In Reacheffect, go to the Campaigns option in the menu on the left and click the Add New Campaign button. The New campaign view will appear.
- In the New campaign view provide the name of your campaign in the Campaign Name text field.
Provide required campaign options below. This includes:
- Country
- Categories
- Device types
- Carriers
- Scheduling
- Network compliance
- Scroll down to the Creatives & Bidding section. Paste the copied campaign URL into the Destination text field.
Provide the remaining campaign options. This includes:
- Keywords
- Traffic type
- Budget options
Click the Save button.
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Reacheffect Tracking Tokens
Token |
Description |
[clickId] |
Click ID |
[cost] |
Cost |
[campaignId] |
Campaign ID |
[campaignType] |
Campaign type |
[pubId] |
Publisher ID |
[category] |
Category |
[ip] |
IP |
[timestamp] |
Time stamp |
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