Access Key
An access key is required to use the Voluum API without using your password at the same time. You need it to get an access token used in an api-token HTTP header with every request you make to the Voluum API. You can easily generate the access key in the Voluum platform.
See Also API.
Account Owner
A user who has full control over the account. Account Owner has all possible permissions to Voluum settings, can perform any actions in the account, and makes decisions about all other users collaborating on the owner account. This user had originally registered an account in Voluum.
Ad exchange
An ad exchange is a platform where publishers and advertisers meet and trade network traffic using Real-Time-Bidding or other programmatic techniques. Ad Exchanges are typical traffic sources for your campaign. Each ad exchange has its own requirements regarding verticals, creatives, and types of campaigns that can be run. An example of the ad exchange is Zeropark.
See Also Real-time bidding.
Ad server
By and large, a server where advertisements are stored, managed, and delivered to you as a website end user. It might also provide a reporting module to check how the advertisements perform.
- A person with an administrative role in the account. Adminâs permissions are as follows:
Specifying Workspaces
Assigning users (Workers and other Admins) to Workspaces
Getting unlimited access to statistics
See Also Workspaces.
An advertiser is any person that wants to promote an offer. An advertiser has following prerequisites prior to promoting an offer: a traffic source with a pre-approved campaign, a valid standalone offer or from an affiliate network and optionally a tracking software for campaign optimization and a landing page. Usually a Voluum user is the advertiser.
Affiliate network
An affiliate network is a platform where offer owners and people who want to promote their offers meet. Affiliate networks aggregate multiple offers. In Voluum, the affiliate network element can also be used as a way of grouping different offers by given criteria, like verticals or creatives used.
Average payout is an indicator of how much revenue you get for a single conversion. You can find it in the AP column in Voluum. it is calculated using the below formula:
Average payout ($) = Total revenue ($) / Number of conversions
Application Programming Interface. It is a programmatic way that allows users to view or manipulate Voluum resources through a predefined set of request messages. Voluum uses REST type of API.
Bid / Bidding
A bid is an amount of money that an advertiser is willing to pay for a single action. Zeropark uses the second price auction model, meaning that the highest bidder pays the second highest bid plus 1 cent.
See Also Real-time bidding.
Bid floor
A campaign bid that is below the minimum CPM set by an ad exchange to bid on their traffic in the Voluum DSP.
See Also CPM.
Bulk Actions / Bulk Import
The Bulk Actions feature enables you to add many offers and landers or to modify many offers, landers and campaigns at once. In a few seconds you can work on 250 entities and upload them to Voluum. Easy, time-saving, and efficient.
A call-to action is any link or button that enables user to fire up an action – usually a redirection from a lander to an offer. Call-to action link / button on a landing page should contain a click URL to track a visitor using Voluum’s click ID token.
See Also Click URL / multi-offer click URL.
Campaign is an element in Voluum that incorporates other elements to create a campaign funnel. Creating a campaign funnel requires adding and configuring different elements, such as: offers, landers, creating-a-flow, traffic sources or affiliate networks. Some components are optional and not required for running the campaign.
Campaign elements
Basic items in Voluum that you create to run a campaign funnel successfully. In Voluum you can find the following campaign elements:
Traffic source
Affiliate network
Campaign URL
Each campaign in Voluum provides a unique campaign URL link that has to be pasted on your traffic source’s side. The campaign URL redirects a user from an ad to a landing page or directly to the offer through Voluum. It uses traffic source’s specific tokens to pass information about user’s visit. This information can be used for reporting and optimizing your campaign’s performance.
Content Distribution Network is a network of proxy servers and data centers that deliver static content (like images, html/css/js files, etc.) to end users. It can be used to host content for your landing page.
Click ID
A click ID is Voluum’s specific alphanumerical string of 24 characters that starts with a lowercase and is used to uniquely identify a visit.
Click URL / multi-offer click URL
A click URL / multi-offer click URL is a link or set of links provided by Voluum that directs user from a landing page to an offer or offers. It must be pasted into the body section of a landing page HTML.
See Also Call-To-Action.
Collaboration Tools
Collaboration Tools is a place in the Settings view, where you can manage your Workspaces (in the Workspaces tab) users (in the Multi-Users tab) and Shared Reports (in the Shared reports tab). Workers do not have access to this setting, and Admins cannot edit user’s roles.
Conversion cap
With the Conversion Cap feature you are able to restrict a daily number of conversions for a primary offer and then redirect visitors to another one when the limit is exceeded. The automatic redirection of the offers ensures that you do not lose your traffic whenever an affiliate network puts a restriction on the number of conversions allowed per day.
Conversion cost in Voluum
Conversion cost is an amount of money that you pay to to your traffic source for advertising your offer. It is a fraction of your payout: either fixed or percentage fraction. You can send back conversion cost information to the traffic source if it supports it.
Conversion upload
The Conversion Upload feature allows you to upload conversions that occurred but weren’t registered by Voluum. You need to provide a click ID with an optional payout, transaction ID and conversion type parameters. This feature can be also used to correct any payout discrepancies between an affiliate network and Voluum.
They are small text files stored locally by a website or ad server. By storing certain information in a cookie, those web browsers or ad servers are able to remember your preferences and recognize websites visited and / or web browser used from one visit to another. To learn more about cookies, read How Voluum is ready for Cookieless Tracking.
Cost per action is a model of buying traffic from a traffic source, where you pay for a single user action (such as purchase, app install, etc.). In Voluum, CPA is fixed, meaning that you need to provide a cost value while creating campaign to properly track cost in Voluum. You can view the value you provided in the CPA column in Voluum.
Cost per click is a model of buying traffic from a traffic source, where you pay for every time a user clicks on an ad. In Voluum, CPC is fixed, meaning that you need to provide a cost value while creating campaign to properly track cost in Voluum. You can view the value you provided in the CPC column in Voluum. Take into consideration that the cost tracked by Voluum when using this cost model might differ from what you pay to your traffic source, if it uses the second price auction bidding model. To check how much you actually pay for a single click, go to the eCPC entry.
Cost per install is sub-category of the CPA model, where you pay for every time a user installs an app and triggers the conversion event. If you want to track the CPI in Voluum, use the CPA option in the campaign creation window and provide the fixed value.
Cost per lead is sub-category of the CPA model, where you pay for a single lead (when the user leaves user-profile contact information). If you want to track the CPL in Voluum, use the CPA option in the campaign creation window.
Cost per mille (thousand) is a cost model of buying traffic from a traffic source, where you pay for a thousand ad impressions. In Voluum, CPM is fixed, meaning that you need to provide a cost value while creating campaign to properly track cost in Voluum. The CPM does not depend on further user actions, like a click or a conversion. You need to properly set up impression tracking in order to accurately record impressions. You can view the value you provided in the CPM column in Voluum. Take into consideration that the cost tracked by Voluum when using this cost model might differ from what you pay to your traffic source, if it uses the second price auction bidding model. To learn on how to check how much you actually pay for thousand impressions, go to the eCPM entry.
Cost per view is an indicator of how much you pay for a single advertisement view on publisher’s site (typically for pop-up or pop-under types of ads). You can find it in the CPV column in Voluum.
Cost per view ($) = Total Cost ($) / Number of views
Conversion rate (clicks) is one of the main indicators of your campaign performance and how profitable your offer is. It show how many users have converted after clicking on an offer on a landing page. You can find it in the CR column in Voluum.
Conversion rate (%) (clicks) = Number of conversions / Number of clicks * 100%
Click-through rate is an indicator of how attractive your offer is to your audience. It shows how many users have clicked on the offer after viewing it on a landing page. You can find it in the CTR column in Voluum.
Click-through rate (%) = Number of clicks / Number of visits * 100%
Custom Conversion
The Custom Conversions feature enables you to define multiple conversion types, so that you can differentiate between them and drill down the conversion report to see, for example, which part of traffic converts most often or which users are most likely to generate additional income from upsells.
Custom variable
Custom variables are special parameters that allow you to pass any arguments from a traffic source further. If you have added a traffic source component in Voluum from a template, custom variables are already configured according to traffic source’s requirements. If you have added a custom traffic source component, you must properly configure custom variables according to he traffic source’s requirements.
The party who submits an application (on the registration page: ) and uses the Voluum platform.
Conversion rate (visits) is one of the main indicators of your campaign performance and how profitable your offer is. It shows how many users have converted after clicking an ad on a publisher’s page. You can find it in the CV column in Voluum.
Conversion rate (%) (visits) = Number of conversions / Number of visits * 100%
The dashboard tab in Voluum gives you a quick overview of your campaign’s performance. Elements displayed in this tab cannot be modified or edited. For more detailed analysis you need to create a report.
Dedicated Domain
Dedicated Domain is a top-level unique domain assigned to your account. Every user has a different domain assigned, thus the domain is not shared with other Voluum users.
Demand-Side Platform
Demand-side platforms aggregate traffic from multiple ad exchanges. They incorporate internal bidding to determine which advertiser wins an auction among other DSP users and can take part in an auction on ad exchanges’ side.
Direct tracking
Direct tracking is a tracking method that allows to track user generated events without redirecting through a tracking software.
Domain Name System is a hierarchical naming system of resources connected to the Internet (such as web pages). Use the DNS settings to configure your custom domain redirection to Voluum.
Do Not Track
This is an option of the web browser that sends a request to a web application to disable tracking of an individual user.
Domain name
It is a character string that helps you to easily go to a website without the necessity of remembering IP addresses. A domain name must be unique for all domain names available on the Internet. It allows you to navigate to a website and discover an online advertisement.
Drill-down report
A drill down report is a specific type of report that allows you to dig into up to six levels of data sets. It narrows down displayed data according to selected criteria.
Dynamic call-outs
With dynamic call-outs you can display Voluum parameters on a landing page that are specific for the user
Effective cost per action is an indicator of a cost for a single user action (like sign up to a newsletter, installation of an application, etc.) calculated retrospectively post-campaign. It shows the actual cost per action of traffic purchased.
If you have purchased traffic using the CPA cost model, the eCPA CPA (for this cost model, second price auction bidding model is not used)
If you have purchased traffic using other (CPM, CPC, Revshare), the eCPA will be calculated using the below formula:
Effective cost per action or acquisition rate ($) – Total cost / Number of acquisitions (conversions) You can find this indicator in the eCPA column in Voluum, and use it to adjust your bids and increase your win rate.
Effective cost per click is an indicator of a cost for a single clicks on the ad, calculated retrospectively post-campaign. It shows the actual cost per click of traffic purchased.
If you have purchased traffic using the CPC cost model, the eCPC shows you how much you actually have paid for the traffic (for this cost model secon price auction bidding model is used, so after winning the auction, you pay a second highest bid plus one cent)
If you have purchased traffic using other (CPM, CPA, Revshare), the eCPC shows you the estimated average price for a single click
The eCPC is calculated using the below formula:
Effective cost per click = Total cost / Number of clicks You can find this indicator in the eCPC column in Voluum, and use it to adjust your bids and increase your win rate.
Effective cost per mille (thousand) is an indicator of a cost for buying a thousand ad impressions, calculated retrospectively post-campaign. It shows the actual cost per thousand impressions of traffic purchased.
If you have purchased traffic using the CPM cost model, the eCPM shows you how much you actually have paid for the traffic (for this cost model, second price auction bidding model is used, so after winning the auction, you pay a second highest bid plus one cent)
If you have purchased traffic using other (CPA, CPC, Revshare) cost models, the eCPM shows you the estimated average price for one thousand impressions
The eCPM is calculated using the below formula:
Effective cost per mille = Total cost / Number of impressions * 1000 You can find this indicator in the eCPM column in Voluum, and use it to adjust your bids and increase your win rate.
End user
This is a user of an Internet connected device, such as a visitor to a website, a user of a mobile app, or a user of an IoT device, or a visitor on an advertisement, landing page, or campaign.
Earning per click is an indicator of how much revenue you get for a single click on the ad. You can find it in the EPC column in Voluum. It is calculated using the below formula:
Earnings per click ($) = Total revenue ($) / Number of clicks
Earning per visit is an indicator of how much revenue you get for a single visit to your website. You can find it in the EPV column in Voluum. It is calculated using the below formula:
Earnings per visit ($) = Total revenue ($) / Number of visits
An event is a specific user statistic recorded for an active Voluum campaign. There are different types of events: an impression (when an ad is viewed by the user), a visit (when the user goes to a landing page), a click (when the user goes to an offer) and a conversion (when the user buys an offer). Note that when direct-linking is used and the user goes directly to an offer, such event is classified as a visit. Voluum’s pricing plans include different limits of billed events, that can be tracked without additional charges. Impressions are not billed by Voluum, meaning that they do not deplete your pricing plan’s limit. Events that surpass the limit are called overages events and they are charged separately.
Event log
The Event Log feature allows you to track retrospectively different actions performed in Voluum by you or other account users within a specific time range.
External ID
An external ID is a unique string of characters that traffic sources use to identify a visit. After initial redirect through a campaign URL, the external ID is matched with Voluum’s specific click ID. If you want to pass information about conversion back to your traffic source via a postback URL, you must use the external ID.
A flow is a predefined component that is used to retarget traffic to different destinations for multiple campaigns. It may contain rule-based paths or a direct-linking to an offer. Note that this does not affect traffic targeting criteria set in the traffic source’s setup.
Fraud in an affiliate marketing is any action that aims to artificially increase traffic.
See Also Invalid traffic.
File Transfer Protocol is a primary way you interact with your server file system (like upload or modify files).
Geographic location
This is a piece of information where you are located based on an IP address. Precisely, this is a location of your device that is connected to the Internet and based on that we are able to define a country, region, city, and Internet Service Provider (ISP) your device is connected to.
A grouping is a main way to build your report. The grouping option allows you to view up to three categories of data, aggregated by chosen characteristic.
HyperText Markup Language is a language for creating web pages and web applications. The basic knowledge of HTML is required to manage your landing pages.
HyperText Transfer Protocol is a protocol for communicating with Internet resources.When setting up your campaign funnel using postback URLs, you have to make sure, that the same protocol (either HTTP or HTTPS) is used in all your links.
See Also Postback URL / Secure Postback URL.
HTTP request header
The request header of HyperText Transfer Protocol. The HTTP protocol is used all around the world. Almost all content that shows up in the browser you see is transmitted to your computer (or other device connected to the Internet) over HTTP. For example, when you opened this policy in the browser, many HTTP requests have been sent. Each request contains an HTTP header in which there is information about the browser you use, the requested page, the server and much more.
HTTP request parameters
The request parameters of HyperText Transfer Protocol are additional pieces of information transmitted from one device to the other that you might see in the address bar of your browser. They are in the form of
pairs, where{token}
is replaced with a concrete value once the URL is activated, and are separated from the URL by a?
. There might be more than oneparameter_name=value
pair, where each of them are separated by an&
.See Also Parameter name, Token.
HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure a secure (encrypted) protocol for communicating with Internet resources. When setting up your campaign funnel using postback URLs, you have to make sure, that the same protocol (either HTTP or HTTPS) is used in all your links.
See Also Postback URL / Secure Postback URL.
Impression click-through rate is an indicator of how attractive your ad is to your audience. It shows how many users have clicked on the ad after viewing it on a publisher’s site. You can find this indicator in the iCTR column in Voluum. It is calculated using the below formula:
Impression click-through rate (%) = Number of visits / Number of impressions * 100%
Impression / Impression tracking
Tracking impressions (i.e. displaying an ad to a user) requires an additional configuration in traffic source component setup. The impression tracking toggle has to be turned on and an impression pixel from the campaign component setup has to be copied and pasted in your traffic source’s setup. Note that you traffic source has to support impression pixels.
Initial Workspace
It is the first Private Workspace that Voluum automatically creates for you and where all campaigns will be assigned to during the update process. This Workspace is created by default to make you more familiar with the Workspaces concept. All the previously invited associates, that during the update will become Workers, will be assigned to this Workspace.
Voluum Tracker is integrated with several ad networks, including Zeropark, via API. Integrations allows you to manage and optimize your campaigns from within one platform and launch complex auto-rules.
Invalid traffic
Any traffic that has no real interest in promoted offers. This includes human accidental clicks, non-malicious crawlers, and intentional fraud.
IP address
An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a set of numbers that each device has assigned to connect with other device over the Internet network. The IP address allows addressing and delivering the information to the right receiver. Every time a piece of information is sent, a device needs to communicate with other devices in a computer network to be able to deliver the message. Sending information in that context means every kind of activity such as surfing, exchanging emails, or downloading an application. The IP address is used to identify the device to which the message is supposed to be sent and find the best way to deliver it.
IP/UA Filtering
The IP/UA Filtering feature allows you to blacklist IP / IP ranges and user agent values to exclude them from incoming traffic. You can add up to 50 rules per account.
Internet service provider is a company that provides an access to Internet to mobile or desktop devices. You can set up retargeting by adding a condition while creating a campaign in Voluum.
Landing page / Lander
A landing page, also referred to as lander, pre-sales page, pre-lander, or CTA page, is an externally hosted, publicly accessible web page that contains CTA link / button to an offer or offers. In order to properly track traffic coming towards the landing page, a lander component has to be set up in Voluum.
Lifetime value of a customer is a sum of all earnings from all profit generating actions from a single customer.
An offer is anything that an advertiser wants to promote. In Voluum, an offer is a basic component that is an endpoint for user traffic. Traffic can be sent directly to the offer from the ad or through a landing page.
Optimization Calculator
An optimization is any technique or set of techniques that will result in increasing your campaigns performance and overall revenue. The Optimization Calculator in Voluum is a feature that uses a statistical approach to enable you to make informed decisions about adjusting and tweaking your campaign’s settings.
Operating system is a constantly running software that manages hardware and software resources and provides an interface system to interact with a user. Every device that is connected to Internet uses some kind of the operating system. You can set up retargeting by adding a condition while creating a campaign in Voluum.
Overage event
An overage event is an event that has surpassed Voluum’s pricing plan limit for billed events. It is charged separately according to the price in your pricing plan. You can view the number of overage events at any time in the Billing & Subscriptions tab in the Settings panel.
See Also Event.
Parameter name
A parameter name describes types of information passed by tokens in an campaign URL. The parameter name has to be properly recognized by target entity, like a landing page or an offer to read information in tokens. For example, in Voluum, the cid parameter name is used to pass the
token containing the click ID.See Also HTTP request parameters, Token.
A path is used to retarget traffic inside one campaign or be a part of the Flow component. The path can use rules or direct URL to guide traffic to a given destination.
A payout is the amount of money which an affiliate network or an offer owner pays you after a successful conversion. To properly track payouts in Voluum, you have to use a dynamic payout token for an or enter a fixed value.
Personal Information / Personal data
Any information relating to an identified or identifiable person as defined in article 4.1 of GDPR.
Pixel Redirect
Pixel redirect is used when you want to fire client-side conversion back to a traffic source that does not support a postback URL.
Postback URL / Secure Postback URL
A Server-to-Server (S2S) Postback URL is the safest way to properly deliver an offer conversion information back to an associated campaign in Voluum. It is a special URL that uses tokens to pass information on conversion and other information to Voluum. An affiliate network has to support S2S Postback URL option. If it does not, a pixel redirect can be used instead.
Pay per click, cost model typically used by a search type campaigns, for example Google Ads.
Pay per view.
Pricing plan
Voluum has different pricing plans available to match exactly your needs regarding a limit of events tracked without overage charges, number of custom domains available and level of technical support. You can use an embedded calculator on the Voluum pricing plan web page to estimate which plan suits you best. You can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any given time (downgrade will be processed at the end of your current billing cycle).
Private campaign element
The campaign’s element that is accessible only within one Workspace. The element cannot be shared with other people who are not assigned to that particular Workspace.
The element that is never shared with members of other Workspaces is campaign. All campaign-related statistics are available only by users who can gain access to the Workspace.
Private Workspace
The isolated area where only assigned Workers, Admins and Account Owner have access to.
Any operation or set of operations which is performed upon user-profile data, whether or not by automatic means, such as collection, recording, organization, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, blocking, erasure or destruction (process, processes and processed shall have the same meaning).
Public campaign element
The campaign’s element that is accessible for all account users.
Only the Account Owner and Admin(s) can create and modify the public campaign’s elements
Campaigns and their related reports can be only accessed by the Admins, the Account Owner, and Worker(s) assigned to the Workspace which the campaign belongs to.
Public Workspace
Public Workspace is an area shared by all users, collaborating on one account. There is only one Public Workspace available for each account and it cannot be deleted. All users can use campaign elements in this area, but only Admin(s) and Account Owner can create and modify elements in that Workspace.
Queries per second is a number of operations a database can perform in one second. This can help you compare the performance of different databases. The Voluum proprietary database technology can process over 500,000 operations per second and can scale up to 1 million.
Real-time bidding
A programmatic type of bidding for an ad inventory that occurs in real time when a web page loads, used by ad exchanges and DSPs. The winner of the auction is able to display the advertisement on a website.
Real-Time routing API
The Real-Time Routing API is a feature that allows to direct traffic to a specified endpoint and bypass Voluum’s traffic retargeting component. This feature is included only in some pricing plans.
Redirect tracking
Redirect tracking is a tracking method that redirects visitors that have clicked an ad through a tracking software to record their visit. Then the user is redirected again to a lander or to an offer.
Referral program
Voluum’s Referral Program is a way to promote Voluum to new users that is beneficial for the referrer. Each new user registered via your referral registration link is associated with your account. You will receive a lifetime monthly commission from all your paying referrals. This includes their base fees and overage charges.
Referrer domain
In simple words, this is the address of a website that led you, as a visitor, to another page.
A report gives you an insight into your campaign’s performance. You can create reports for specific time ranges, group up to 3 types of data for comparison or create more detailed drill-down report for selected data, add your custom reports to bookmarks so they are accessible every time you sign in into Voluum and many others. Reporting is the key functionality of Voluum.
Request time
This is the time when a query to the Voluum database is sent. Every time when you click an advertisement, the query request is made, so the Voluum platform is able to store the information about the visit.
A strategy of online targeted advertising when information is gathered to address visitors’ preferences based on their previous actions / choices. When you, as a visitor, go to one sort of websites, for example because you are looking for a pair of glasses, then the advertisement is displayed in front of you with glasses that you might possibly like.
Return of investment is a main indicator of the profitability of your campaign. It shows the percentage of the money you earned as a fraction of the money you have invested.
- ROI = 0%: it means that you neither have lost or earned any money
- ROI 0%: it means that you have earned money. For example, if ROI = 150%, you have earned 50% more money that you have invested in running your campaigns.
- If ROI 0%: it means that you have spent more money than you have earned.
Return on investment (%) = (Total revenue ($) – Total cost ($) ) / Total cost ($) * 100%
You can find this indicator in the ROI column in Voluum.
A user’s role determines which elements will be accessible after signing in. Each role has a predefined set of permissions. You need to have a user role assigned. Otherwise, you would not be able to sign in to Voluum.
See Also Account Owner, Admin, Worker.
Role assignment
The role assignment determines the type of access to the Voluum platform. It can be set only by an Account Owner. The assignment can be changed at any time, according to the current needs.
Run of network is a type of campaign that targets all traffic from a specified country or region.
Revenue per mille (thousand) is an indicator of how much you earn for thousand impressions. You can find it in the RPM column in Voluum. It is calculated using the below formula:
Revenue per mille ($) = Total revenue ($) / Number of impressions * 1000
A rule is a predefined logical set of criteria applicable for retargeting traffic to different destinations. The rule can incorporate many inclusive or exclusive conditions, and when all conditions in the rule are met, the traffic is directed towards selected lander(s) or offer(s). If not, the traffic goes to the next rule in order or to the default path.
Server-to-server type of communication; used for conversion tracking. For example, postback URLs.
Software as a Service are software or application platforms that run as a service and generally charge on a monthly basis. An example of a SaaS platform is Voluum.
Sublander click-through rate measures a ration of clicks on a lander to clicks on a sublander. This indicator is used when you include listicles in your campaign.
Sublander click-through rate (%) = Number of clicks / Number of intermediate clicks * 100%
Second-price auction model
In real-time bidding (RTB), the second-price auction model potentially enables a winner to pay a little less than their original proposed price. Instead of paying the full price, the winning bidder always pays the price offered by the second-highest bidder plus $0.01.
Top-level domains are the highest level in the Domain Name System for categorizing the type of resource they point to.
A token is used to pass a dynamic information in a redirection link or a postback URL. Tokens are described by parameters. Each entity, such as traffic source or affiliate network, use specific tokens. Available Voluum tokens are always displayed when you are building a redirection link.
Tracking domains
Tracking domains are used to pass traffic through Voluum to properly track events. Voluum tracking domains are placed in campaign URLs, click URLs and tracking pixel URLs and are set up in Voluum settings. Voluum offers you different tracking domains and also allows you to use your own custom domains for tracking purposes.
Traffic Distribution AI
Traffic Distribution AI is a feature that incorporates machine learning algorithms to automatically optimize a distribution of traffic coming towards offers, landers and paths. It uses 24 hour data sets of registered conversions to find the best weight values for the selected elements. The scope of options available for this feature depends on a pricing plan.
Traffic source
A traffic source is any entity that generates user traffic you can use in your campaign funnel. This includes publishers, ad networks, ad exchanges, Facebook or Google and Demand-Side Platforms.
Time-to-live is a minimum time to propagate the DNS settings through the network. While setting up a CNAME for your custom domain, select the lowest TTL value for faster DNS settings change propagation.
Two-factor Authentication
Two-factor authentication is an extra layer of security to protect your account from getting hacked. While authenticating only with a traditional password, your account is vulnerable to attack by other Internet users. In order to enhance security, the two-factor authentication uses the time-based digit code as an additional piece of information while signing in. Within the two-factor authentication, you need to provide both, your password and a code generated on your mobile device. In the Voluum platform you can turn on and use the two-factor authentication sign-in.
Unique visit
A visit is treated as unique when there is no cookie related to the person behind this visit. Currently, cookies live 24 hours. after that time, a secondary visit from the same person will be counted as unique.
The process of switching to the Workspaces feature. The update has to be performed only once per account by an Account Owner.
Uniform Resource Locator is a specific address (reference) for a certain resource on Internet.
Any person who is an end-user, can sign in and access Voluum. It can be an Account Owner, Admin, or Worker.
When mentioned, it refers to an everyday Voluum user.
User agent
Information about a device, operating system, web browser that is being used to access a website.
A person who can visit digital advertising campaigns on the Internet.
Voluum API
Voluum’s API gateway allows you to send request URLs with specific query parameters to perform various actions in different directories in Voluum. Voluum uses REST type of API. The URL must be authenticated using standard credentials or by an access key.
Win rate
Win rate allows you to evaluate how successful is your bidding by telling you how many auctions are you winning.
Win rate (%) = Number of impressions won / Number of impressions bid * 100%
A person who can create, edit campaign’s elements, and access reports in the assigned Workspace only. Worker can be assigned to more than one Workspaces to be able to participate in many aspects of a daily work. The number of Workers that you can invite depends on your pricing plan.
See Also Workspaces.
Workspace assignment
The Workspace assignment determines which campaign funnels a user can gain access to. This allows to isolate the funnels and make them unavailable for some Workers, where at the same time the Account Owner and Admin(s) can easily have insight into all data.
The Account Owner and Admin(s) can access data in all created Workspaces in Voluum. However, a Worker can only access those elements that are associated with the Workspace the Worker is assigned to.
Workspaces are a feature that allows users to separate campaign components from each other and assign them to different users for easier work management.
Zeropark is a leading ad exchange that is integrated with Voluum Tracker. You can manage your Zeropark campaigns directly from Voluum and the traffic bought in Zeropark is tracked by Voluum for free.