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Migrating to side navigation

The new Voluum interface uses side navigation to make all Voluum modules more accessible to its users.

What’s changing?
Experience a more organized and minimalist interface as the main navigation moves to the left side. This modern, clear, and seamless layout is designed to simplify your navigation effortlessly. Here’s our documentation with a detailed overview of a new layout.

Why the change?
This adjustment is part of our ongoing commitment to evolving with industry trends and enhancing your experience on Voluum. It’s not just a change; it’s a step towards a more user-friendly and intuitive platform that responds to your needs.

Who is this for?
For you, our Voluum partners and clients. Whether you’re a seasoned user of a Voluum platform or joined us only recently, this change aims to provide a smoother and more intuitive experience, allowing our clients to focus on what matters the most in your daily Voluum operations.

What’s in it for you?
Enjoy a more organized and compact interface, combining crucial functionalities in a clear and modern layout for efficient navigation. Ultimately allowing you to concentrate on your tasks without unnecessary distractions.

Migrating to side navigation

If you are familiar with the old interface, here's a rundown of the most important changes:

The former Settings tab has been divided int two sections: Advanced (which contains features such as Conversion Upload and Custom Conversions) and Settings (which contains settings such as General Settings or Plan Specification.

Old interface
New interface

Dashboard section is now separated from the Tracker section.

Old interface
New interface

Workspace selector, Settings and Account modules were moved to bottom-left corner.

Old interface
New interface

Everything else stayed intact. You can set up campaigns and analyze data in the same manner as you did before. Your tracked data has not been affected by the switch to side navigation.

Track & optimize
your campaigns with ease!